Now my lucky children are a beautiful cross breed of different seed. They can never ever get rid of who they are, for the gardener may try to straighten them, but they are in part wild seed. They may have been given good potting soil inside, they may have been given pure water and trimmed down when they grew wild, but once that beautiful flower is placed outside it will go through a transformation. You can not change what it is. If you force it to change and keep cutting it down so it will not grow, then it will die. But also realize that when it goes outside on its own, it will not be weathered. It will not know how to live in the sun, it will go into shock. Over protecting is not healthy.
For if you let the little flowers grow and explore and find where they belong, they will naturally flourish in the environment where they feel at ease. If I were the gardener, I would place them outside and just be a guide, if they uproot from the water, re-plant them, if they start to get burned by the sun, give them shade, if the wind becomes too strong where they'd die, then protect them only from the hurricane, never the cool breeze. They are stronger than you think. past has made me who I am today. I have been through many battles, I have wronged others and been wronged...but most importantly, I HAVE LIVED and I AM LIVING. I would not take a moment away from any of my past. I grow...I learn...I evolve. There have been many people who have upbringings that they have no control over as a child. You can not choose these things...just have to make the best of it. Your identity is not made by your parents telling you are a certain thing. Your parents do not know what sings to your soul. If your soul says it should be a teacher and your parent says you should be a lawyer, then that parent is doing a great injustice to that soul. Let them go talk to a secretary, a doctor, a lawyer, a chef, a dancer, an artist...and let them choose who THEY want to be. For it is THEM that are living their lives, not you as the parent. The best person in my view is the one who guides another to find the answers on their own and make their own opinions.
Every day you can choose to CREATE who you want to be TODAY. If you want to be more peaceful, hateful, loving, caring, envious, greedy...anything at CAN be that if you choose it.
There is again...nothing "wrong" with being different...with experiencing and being around those that are not like you.
You see, I am not fighting either way anymore where their upbringing is. For what I do know for sure is that one can not cage a person forever. So from 0-100% contact they have with me, it doesn't matter anymore. Sure, I'd love to be blessed with having some sort of relationship with them, but I am not looking to be greedy and keep them in a bubble. I want them to fly...I want them to see ALL the world...the good and the not so good...and I want them to make the decision for themselves what right and wrong is, not what I or any other influence says. I believe everyone should listen to their heart.
And as a side note, again, the darkness must exist with the light. The yin and the yang. How can you say you understand someone unless you have quite literally put on their shoes and viewed it from where they stand.
So my children can not choose their parents, but even if their parents were the most horrendous people in the whole world, they still should know who their parents are. Both of them. But I have the wisdom to understand that no matter what I do or say, to some people my advice will not get through and that's ok. It is my job to at least try to open their lead them to the water...if they choose not to drink, that is up to them, but I open the door.
I am not who I was 20 years ago, 15 years, 10 years, 5 years, 3 years, or even 1 year ago. I am creating myself to be more and more beautiful in my soul every day and if anyone comes with their darkness to try to stunt my growth, I am learning to be a flower that emits its own sun light and yes....that is beautiful....