On November 4, 2014 your great-grandpa Donald Huschke (my father's father) passed away. I loved him very much and I'm sorry you didn't get to know him better. You did meet him once and I have a few pictures below. He was a quiet man...very spiritual and intelligent. He loved to buy old engines and fix them up and sell them. He taught me dowsing and took me to nice places. He was an engineer and was also in the Navy. He had a large garden and would show me all the different plants he grew. He was very ticklish on his feet and when I will little he'd get mad at me for tickling him! He used to go deer hunting and used to make awesome deer sausages. He didn't really say I love you too much even when I said it to him. He would respond once in a while with an I love you, but he wasn't a man to show his emotions too much. He lost his memory after his wife died and it was sad when I'd call and he didn't know who I was.

I love you both and think of you always. Hugs and kisses....and I'm sorry for your loss.