Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

So today is mother's day Mohammed Abdelhaq and Amina Abdelhaq...and another year of remembrance of you from afar. So because you can not reach out to me today...I will celebrate you....with happiness, with sadness, with hope......with love.

I love you both with all my heart. Here are some songs for you. Hugs and kisses


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Types of Abuse Everyone Should Know About

I'm learning about violence and abuse in one of my nursing classes and felt it was a good thing to share with others. People think of abuse as only using physical punishment, but it is far more than that. If anyone is experiencing any of these, they may wish to take action so they don't continue to live like this. Read more at libraries, seek out support groups. Ask for help. You can NOT change an abuser. This is NOT NORMAL. Life does NOT have to be like this. It CAN be better. I know...I lived it, but am now free.